
Seinfeld Action/Thriller Movie Trailer - AMAZING

So this shit is genius... This guy has rearranged various scenes from Seinfeld to make a movie trailer for an action thriller entitled "Serenity Now."

As a Seinfeld freak this has to be one of the best things I've seen on the interweb as of late.

Kudos to this guy for all the work that must have went into this (not sure how he avoided all the laugh/applause tracks)

Also, this really makes you realize how good they were at over-dramatized acting.

Here's another good one.

On another note, did you know Verona Red's name was originally going to be The Van Buren 8?


Lincoln Square Lounge (Decatur, IL) 7/9/2010

So I've decided there must be something in the water in Decatur IL, that brings out the kind of serious rock and roll mentality that it's residents possess.  This past Friday night at the Lincoln Square Lounge made me remember what makes rock and roll so special.

We waited for the dinner crowd to leave before we cleared tables and chairs out of the small restaurant dining room of the Lincoln Square Lounge, turning the pleasantly decorated eating space into a dimly lit and very intimate rock venue (the original venue that was supposed to host the show was shut down two days before, and the Lincoln Square Lounge was cool enough to let us take over their restaurant for the night on a last minute notice.)

The hospitality of the staff and the enthusiasm of the crowd to see a show in this kind of environment was really refreshing.

Local rock fans began piling into Lincoln Lounge around 9:30. The night started off with a great opening set by Jodyboss (http://www.facebook.com/JodybossMusic).  They had a great folksy sound that really set the mood and got feet tapping.

Verona Red was the ham in Friday night's rock and roll sandwich, playing second out of three.  We had a great time jumping off booths, wearing women's clothing, and just letting go a bit.

Ambient Green (www.myspace.com/ambientgreen) headlined the night, and played a fantastic set into the wee hours of Saturday morning.  This is the second time we played with them, and they put on another great show for the local Decaturites.

This was also the second time we got to go out partying with these guys after the show.  These fuckers are hilarious people and once again we had tons of fun with them and many of the other friends we made out at the first show in Decatur back June (Big shout out to Brandy, Jill, Tara, Curtis, Nicole and Lydia...you guys are awesome!)

Special thanks to Curtis and Lydia for showing us so much hospitality and letting us crash at their place.  You guys are the BALLS.

We can't wait to get back to Decatur soon!


Decatur Round 2 This Friday!

The location of tomorrow's date in Decatur has changed, but the good times should be just the same.  The new venue is Lincoln Square Lounge (121 N Main St. Decatur, IL.).

The bill is the same as before... awesome guys in Ambient Green, friends we haven't met yet in Jodyboss, and of course Verona Red.

This FREE show starts at 9 PM.

Can't wait to come back and party it up in Decatur!


Wet and WILD on the Fourth of July!

Here's how I spent 1 min and 26 seconds of my Fourth of July weekend. Warning: This could be the saddest thing you've ever seen.

Go America!